Sneakers were designed to be comfortable, safe, fit right, & most of all to be quiet. Hence, the name sneakers, so that people could sneak around without making a sound. Power is always engineering the latest in comfort & shoe technology into their designs. If you’re going from the gym to the coffee shop, you want your sneakers to be as comfortable as they are trendy, these sneakers are it. These slip-ons are comfortable & cool as this new series of Power Prime Walk is a walking shoe & an amazing fusion of minimalist design & suitable for flexing in walking.
- Type: Slip-On Sneaker
- Gender: Men
- Color: Navy Blue
- Upper Material: Mesh
- Sole: Phylon
- Closing: Closed
STYLE TIPS: A mint crew-neck t-shirt & grey chinos paired together are a perfect match with these.
There may be a slight color variation in the image from the original product.